Well, I guess it is time for an update for anyone who wants to know! I had my diagnostic laparoscopy Monday. We went in at 6:15am. Poor Jer worked from 5pm-5am the night before, came home, and took me straight to the hospital. We did the check in stuff and they took us back. I had to do a urine pregnancy test, which, of course, was negative (I knew it would be since I had started my period Saturday morning). They took us back to a small room... It was more of a space with a curtain to separate you from the people across from you. About four different nurses came in to talk to me and tell me what to expect when I woke up. Then they put in my IV and gave me some saline. They also used some numbing stuff on my IV site that made me a little loopy. The doctor came back to talk to me and explain everything they were going to do. They were doing a laparoscopy to check for endometriosis, running dye through my Fallopian tubes to see if they are open, a colposcopy (where they look at your cervix through a microscope) and a cervical biopsy. My previous Pap smear had come back with some abnormal cells (a low amount, but enough to show up on the lab results). Then the anesthesiologist came to talk to me and we walked back to the O.R. I laid down on the operating table and then I was out! Apparently I went to a recovery room to monitor my vital signs and they may have had me awake in there, but I don't remember any of that. I just remember waking up back in my first room and seeing Jeremy. That was one of the best sights of my whole life. It was such a relief to see him and hold his hand. I was definitely very loopy and Jer said I asked the same questions over and over. All I remember is eating saltines and drinking apple juice (it took me a few tries to figure out that I should drink the apple juice after I took a bite of the cracker, not the other way around). The doctor came in to talk to us and I do remember that part. She said they did not find any endometriosis! That was a very good sign. They did find that my colon was severely distended and full. That means it was very swollen and full of crap (as if most of you didn't already know I was full of crap!!). My doctor said it looks like it has been that way for a while which could be the reason for my pain and discomfort. So they have me on some medications to help me have regular bowel movements to try to relieve all of that. I have also done some research and am going to increase my fiber intake through fruits, vegetables, and wheat breads. I am also going to decrease my dairy intake, including soy milk. I didn't really get to ask why that could happen, but there are a lot of reasons. One could be that I was on a lot of different antibiotics in high school for my acne. That can cause issues, but I will be able to ask more at my follow-up visit later this month.
Now on to the baby talk! Since there is no endometriosis the doctor feels very positive about my ability to get pregnant! We are going to try naturally for the next month to allow me to heal. We are planning, if that doesn't work, to do insemination in September. Due to the other issues on Jeremy's side from his diabetes, the doctor feels this will be our best shot, but hopefully we will get lucky and get pregnant naturally! If not, we will get some medical help and hopefully be good to go.
I am definitely feeling much better today than I was yesterday. My incision sites are still sore, but I am keeping up with my pain meds any time the pain gets bad. I am also taking the medication to help regulate my colon and some miralax. I also have some anti-nausea pills that help me eat. So far I have been able to eat normally and had the most AMAZING stuffed zucchini yesterday that my mom made. My mom also got me some great stuff from Ulta as a get well! I also had our compassionate service leader from our ward bring some bread and chicken noodle soup so I feel very spoiled!
Jeremy has been absolutely fantastic through this all! He was there with me the whole time yesterday. He held my hand the whole time before they took me and again after. He was so great getting me into the car and took me straight to get my prescriptions. He also made sure I drank lots of water, gave me peanut m&ms, chocolate ice cream, and got me any pills I needed. He has really been so great through this all. I know he was worried and probably had every possible outcome going through his head, but he was able to push it all aside to be there for me. It was so wonderful knowing I had him there.
Well, that is my update so far! I will keep you all updated! Thank you for all of your support and stories through this. They have been very helpful and comforting!
We are praying and hoping that things go well when you get it on next month!